Latitude: 41.3851702732126 Longitude: -71.5250600198089
Slips and can accommodate power boats up
to 28 feet. Seasonal slips and transient
reservations are available.
Seasonal slips are $145 per foot for overall length.
Transient reservations are
$3 per foot, per day.
The Marina has slips that can accommodate power boats up to 28 feet. Seasonal slips and transient reservations are available. The annual rate is determined by multiplying the overall length, (as measured the furthest point bow to the furthest point stern inclusive of but not limited to: raised outboard motors, pulpits, railings, jack plates, etc.) times the per foot charge.
Seasonal Slips
Seasonal slips are $145 per foot for overall length.
Transient Reservations
$3 per foot, per day.
We are listed on Dockwa and and are able to accept reservations online. Click the link below for more information.
If you would like more information about a slip, please contact us at 401 314-0468, or complete the form below and we will be in touch with you. Thank you.